
5 Myths About Ultrasound Facials

5 Mythen über Ultraschall-Gesichtsbehandlungen

There is a lot of misinformation and misconception about how ultrasound works for use on the skin and face. Often, it is misinformation that prevents people like you and me from using this safe cosmetic procedure for skin care.

We think it's time we cleared up the 5 most common myths that exist about ultrasound facial treatment. So today's blog post is all about the 5 most common myths about ultrasound facial treatment.

Myth 1: Ultrasound treatments on the face hurt

Applying our emmi®-skin to your facial skin won't hurt, we promise. Our devices deliver impressive results without causing pain. When ultrasound is used, a feeling of warmth can develop on the skin. However, this is not associated with pain.

Myth 2: Ultrasound facials do not produce results

With our emmi ® -skin , every application becomes an absolute wellness experience. Like any other wellness treatment, our emmi ® -skin can also achieve aesthetically pleasing results. The modern technology stimulates the production of collagen in the facial skin, for example. This in turn can lead to wrinkles and lines filling in from the inside out. You then look younger.

Myth 3: One application is not enough

With our emmi ® -skin you will see visible results after just one treatment. Your skin will look fresher and more rested. You will also notice an improvement in fine lines and wrinkles after the first application.

Myth 4: You have to take it easy after the ultrasound treatment

Don't worry, number 4 is also a myth. The ultrasound waves of our emmi ® -skin penetrate so deeply into your skin that the upper layers are not damaged. It is completely safe to use. Modern ultrasound technology does not attack bones, facial nerves, facial fat or blood vessels. After using our emmi ® -skin, you can go about your daily routine in peace.

Myth 5: Ultrasound facial treatments can only be used in combination

It is true that you can combine the use of ultrasound with our emmi ® -skin with other treatments, such as the introduction of valuable treatments into the skin. However, you can also use our emmi ® -skin on its own.

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