Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

Periodontitis as a precursor to Alzheimer's?

Parodontitis als Wegbereiter für Alzheimer?

Have you ever asked yourself the question: What causes Alzheimer's? Does periodontitis lead to Alzheimer's? New scientific findings confirm this.

But let's be honest: Do you regularly care for your teeth to banish harmful bacteria from your mouth right from the start? Ultimately, only regular dental care can prevent periodontitis.

In today's blog post, we explain why prevention is the be-all and end-all and why it is important that you visit the dentist regularly.

Bleeding gums? See a dentist immediately

If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth, it is usually periodontitis. In this case, you should see your dentist immediately. Bleeding gums cannot be a coincidence. After all, around 45 percent of Germans suffer from periodontitis.

55 percent of Germans have been able to prevent periodontitis so far. But healthy teeth are no coincidence. This is thanks to the good dental care in Germany. This also includes regular and daily dental care.

Periodontitis treatment inevitable

However, if you have harmful bacteria in your mouth and suffer from periodontitis, you should seek treatment from your dentist.

The reason for this is that the question that many experts have been asking for a long time: Does periodontitis lead to Alzheimer's? has now been answered with a yes based on a Long-term study conducted by a Greifswald research team.

Previous studies have already shown that harmful bacteria, or more precisely a certain periodontitis bacterium, can migrate via the nerve pathways into the brain and trigger inflammation there. Researchers have therefore previously suspected that this particular periodontitis bacterium is the cause of Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, every affected person should consider periodontal treatment as unavoidable.

Periodontitis treatment delays Alzheimer's

Periodontitis leads to gum recession. If periodontitis is not treated, harmful bacteria will later attack the brain. This leads to a loss of brain substance. Treatment of periodontitis, however, delays Alzheimer's.

As the Greifswald research team also discovered, Alzheimer's disease can be delayed by about three years if periodontal treatment is carried out. Preventing periodontitis through hygienic dental care the better way.

This saves you pain and money and a lot of time that you would otherwise spend in the dentist's chair. That's why you should take preventative measures, for example with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush. It can provide you with ideal support.

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