Zahnpflege & Mundhygiene

What is actually called tartar?

Was bezeichnet man eigentlich als Zahnstein?

Everyone, including you, knows the term tartarBut what is behind the statement of your dentist when he tells you after the treatment that he tartar removed from your teeth What about the hard yellowish-white substance We will explain to you in today's blog post what this is all about.

How does tartar form?

You know it, that one particularly unpleasant moment when your dentist suddenly hits you with a metal hand instrument during a check-up. scrapes tartar from the teeth. These are the yellowish substance, which are mostly located at the bottom edge of your teeth.

Tartar is calcified dental plaque. Dental plaque that has hardened to the point that it no longer come off your teeth on their ownWhat was originally deposited as soft plaque becomes crusty and hardened over time on your teeth. The colour also often changes to Yellow or even brownish.

plaques are made up of saliva, food residues and bacteria. An initially soft mass that deposited on the lower edges of your teeth. Various minerals found in saliva ensure that these deposits quickly harden and deposit on the teeth.

It is therefore not surprising that Tartar forms and deposits mainly near the salivary glandsThese include, for example, the lower inside of your incisors and the upper outside of your front molars. The more thoroughly you brush your teeth in this area, the less tartar can adhere. Make sure that you have the clean the interdental spaces in this area well.

In addition to your daily oral hygiene, we recommend cleaning your teeth with dental floss. Once tartar on your teeth Once deposited, it is very difficult to remove. Light tartar can be removed with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush and daily care. You can only remove stubborn tartar with a professional teeth cleaning by your dentist. This not only takes up a lot of time, but also involves additional costs that are not always fully covered by statutory health insurance.

Emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush to prevent tartar

Normally, tartar is always removed during a professional dental cleaning. With our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush you can effectively prevent various deposits on your teeth. Thanks to latest technologies and ultrasound technology, rough surfaces are a thing of the pastNoticeably smooth teeth not only reduce the risk of tartar formation, but also reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Although the professional dental care and oral hygiene with our emmi®-dent ultrasonic toothbrush not going to the dentist regularly, but significantly reduces the risk of dental diseases.

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