
Antibiotikum bei Zahnschmerzen – wann und warum

Antibiotics for toothache – when and why

toothache can make life difficult for all of us. However, sometimes it is difficult to know when to go to the dentist and when an antibiotic is needed In this blog post we will discuss when ...

Zahnfleischtaschen: Erkennen, behandeln und vorbeugen!

Periodontal pockets: recognize, treat and prevent!

Today we would like to talk to you about an important topic. A topic that affects many of us: gum pockets. These small periodontal pockets can be a serious health problem if left untreated. ...

Was ist eine dicke Backe?

What is a chubby cheek?

If you notice swelling in the facial area, it can not only be very uncomfortable for you, but it can also indicate a serious condition. Swelling in the cheek area is called a swollen cheek a...

Faltenreduktion mit kosmetischem Ultraschall

Wrinkle reduction with cosmetic ultrasound

Surely no one around you likes wrinkles. After all, they are seen as a sign of fading youth and an indication of increasing age. But reducing wrinkles is not only a focus for women. One of the be...

Zahnstein entfernen – ein wichtiger Teil der Zahnpflege

Removing tartar – an important part of dental care

Have you ever noticed that a yellowish layer has formed on your teeth? This is tartar and, if left untreated, it can become a real nuisance. Not only does it look unsightly, it can also lead...

Zahnmedizinische Gesundheitsförderung im Pflegeheim

Dental Health Promotion in Nursing Homes

You've probably heard that it can be difficult to maintain proper dental care as you get older. In general, this topic is very difficult for many older people, because daily dental ca...

Ultraschalltherapie: Der unsichtbare Helfer in der Sportmedizin

Ultrasound Therapy: The Invisible Helper in Sports Medicine

You've probably experienced it before: an injury that stops you from playing your sport. Whether it's a strain, a bruise or a sprain, the pain and the uncertainty of when you'll be fit again can b...

Schaltzentrale Mund - Warum Mundgesundheit wichtig ist

Control Center Mouth - Why Oral Health is Important

You've probably heard that oral health is closely linked to your overall health, but have you ever thought about why that is? The mouth is actually a kind of "control center" for the human b...

Neues aus der Zahnwelt - Wie digitale Werkzeuge die Zahnmedizin revolutionieren

News from the dental world - How digital tools are revolutionizing dentistry

You've probably heard about the many benefits of digitalization, including when it comes to healthcare, but have you ever thought about how it can also transform dentistry? In today's blog p...

Youthful skin thanks to ultrasound: How it improves skin elasticity and reduces wrinkles

Who doesn't dream of having smooth, firm and youthful skin? Unfortunately, the elasticity of the skin decreases with age and wrinkles and fine lines become visible. Fortunately, there are now nume...

Diabeteskontrolle umfasst auch die Mundgesundheit

Diabetes control also includes oral health

If you have diabetes, you know how important it is to keep your blood sugar under control. You probably watch your diet carefully, exercise regularly, and may take medication to regulate you...

Psychische Gesundheit und Zahngesundheit in Einklang bringen

Balancing mental health and dental health

As you already know, even small changes can make a big difference. But especially when it comes to your own health, you should focus even more on your health, including your dental health, o...

6 weitere Mythen, über die Anwendung von Ultraschall im Gesicht

6 more myths about the use of ultrasound on the face

As you know, in our last post we already cleared up the 5 most common myths about the use of ultrasound on the face. Since the response and your interest were so great, in today's blog post we exp...

5 schlechte Lebensmittel, die die Zahngesundheit deines Kindes beeinträchtigen können

5 bad foods that can harm your child's dental health

We already announced it last week: In today's blog post, we're taking a closer look at 5 foods that are bad for children's teeth. Try to eliminate as many of them as possible from your diet ...

Warum die Zahngesundheit, auch die psychische Gesundheit beeinflusst

Why dental health also affects mental health

Have you ever been ashamed of your teeth? Or does your dental status regularly trigger social anxiety in you? Both factors indicate that there is a very close connection between your dental ...

5 Mythen über Ultraschall-Gesichtsbehandlungen

5 Myths About Ultrasound Facials

There is a lot of misinformation and misconception about how ultrasound works for use on the skin and face. Often, it is misinformation that prevents people like you and me from using this safe co...

Schmerzende Zähne im Winter

Painful teeth in winter

Do your teeth hurt in winter? With our 5 expert tips you can prevent toothache in winter. The cold winter weather can not only take its toll on your skin, but can also lead to dental problem...

Verfärbt, stumpf und rau? Das verraten Zähne!

Discolored, dull and rough? That's what your teeth reveal!

As you know, dental care plays an important role in our lives and contributes significantly to physical health. It not only determines the morning and evening care routine in the bathroom, b...

Schlechte Zähne durch falsches Putzen

Bad teeth due to incorrect brushing

If you want to protect your teeth from tooth decay and other diseases, you should pay a lot of attention to dental care. In addition to brushing twice a day, using your toothbrush correctly ...

Wirkungsweise und Anwendung von Ultraschall

Mode of action and application of ultrasound

Acute back pain, muscular tension and chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system are among the most common complaints in our customers' everyday lives. Our emmi®-skin Sport – Thermo effect set incl...

Das Zusammenspiel von Zähnen und Körper

The interaction between teeth and body

If you feel physically or healthily unwell, it could be due to your teeth. Did you know that your body is closely connected to them? For example, if you suffer from inflamed gums or broken t...

Erhöhtes Krankheitsrisiko bei Parodontitis?

Increased risk of disease with periodontitis?

Are you suffering from gingivitis? Then you should urgently see a dentist. Your dental problem may be periodontitis. In the worst case, all elements of your periodontal ligament may be affec...

Ultraschall Treatment für schöne Haut

Ultrasound treatment for beautiful skin

You want to say goodbye to wrinkles and spots? Our emmi®-skin for the face helps you to combat skin problems. Ultrasound treatments are currently very popular not only among stars and starlets, bec...

Besinnliche Weihnachten mit Hund und Katze (Tipps und Tricks)

Merry Christmas with Dog and Cat (Tips and Tricks)

People love their pets very much and they are full members of the family who are loved everywhere. You can certainly understand this since you yourself have a cute kitten or a loyal dog at home. Es...