
Was ist eine dicke Backe?

What is a chubby cheek?

If you notice swelling in the facial area, it can not only be very uncomfortable for you, but it can also indicate a serious condition. Swelling in the cheek area is called a swolle...

Was bedeuten Risse in der Zunge?

What do cracks in the tongue mean?

cracks in the tongue can be irritating or worrying, especially if you don’t know exactly what they mean. In this blog post we would like to give you a overview about what cracks in the tongu...

emmi-dent Whitening Zahnpasta: Gesünderes Lächeln ohne Parabene und Titandioxid

emmi-dent Whitening Toothpaste: Healthier smile without parabens and titanium dioxide

A bright smile is often the first thing others notice about us. But when striving for whiter teeth, health should not be neglected. Our emmi-dent Whitening Ultrasonic Toothpaste, now without...

Stärkung des Zahnschmelzes: Tipps für ein strahlendes Lächeln

Strengthening tooth enamel: tips for a radiant smile

A strong and healthy teeth starts with well-maintained tooth enamel. As the hardest substance in our body, the tooth enamel our teeth from daily stresses such as caries and erosion. But how ...

Medikamenteneinfluss: Bewältigung von Mundtrockenheit

Drug Influence: Coping with Dry Mouth

If you regular medication you may be familiar with side effects such as dry mouth or changes in saliva flow. These problems are more than just inconveniences; they can have serious effects o...

Ein strahlendes Lächeln von Anfang an: Zahnpflege-Tipps für Kinder

A radiant smile from the start: dental care tips for children

A healthy smile is a priceless giftthat we can do for our children. From the first milk teeth to the eruption of the permanent teeth, oral hygiene plays a crucial role in the general health ...

Revolution in der Zahnpflege: Der Durchbruch der Ultraschalltechnologie

Revolution in dental care: The breakthrough of ultrasound technology

Always looking for the most efficient and most modern Method for dental care? Then you have certainly already come across our emmi-dent ultrasonic toothbrushes A groundbreaking innovation th...

Wissenswertes für Eltern über Milchzähne

Useful information for parents about baby teeth

Today’s blog post is all about a topic that comes up in every family sooner or later: The baby teeth. These little white pearls are more than just temporary placeholders, because they play a...

Natürliche Wege der Zahnaufhellung

Natural Ways of Teeth Whitening

A bright white smile - who doesn't want that? But chemical bleaching agents aren't for everyone. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives and various foods that can help whiten yo...

Natürliche Wege der Zahnaufhellung

Natural Ways of Teeth Whitening

A bright white smile - who doesn't want that? But chemical bleaching agents aren't for everyone. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives and various foods that can help whiten your teeth...

Warum unsere Ultraschallzahnbürste emmi-dent Platinum mehr als nur ein Geschenk ist

Why our ultrasonic toothbrush emmi-dent Platinum is more than just a gift

Christmas is just around the corner, the time of giving, sharing and showing how much we value our loved ones. Have you ever thought that the best gifts are those that bring joy every day? H...

Ursachen von Zahnempfindlichkeit und wie du sie verhindern kannst

Causes of tooth sensitivity and how to prevent it

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem that affects many people. It can make eating, drinking and even breathing uncomfortable. But what causes tooth sensitivity and what can you do about it?...

Die Zahnchirurgie: Ein Lächeln ist die schönste Visitenkarte

Dental Surgery: A Smile is the Most Beautiful Business Card

A charming smile is not only beautiful to look at, but opens doors and hearts alike. But not everyone is lucky enough to be naturally blessed with a perfect set of teeth. This is where denta...

Strahlendes Lächeln und starker Biss: Dein Weg zur perfekten Zahnpflegeroutine

Bright smile and strong bite: Your path to the perfect dental care routine

Let us delve into the fascinating world of dental care in today's blog post. After all, a charming smile is not only our most beautiful accessory, but also a symbol of our health and self-lo...

Strahlendes Lächeln und Zigarettenrauch – Die verborgene Gefahr des Rauchens für Zähne

Bright smile and cigarette smoke – The hidden danger of smoking for teeth

Your health is the most valuable thing you have. In today's blog post, we want to talk about an often overlooked factor that can threaten it: smoking cigarettes. You might be thinkin...

Zungenpflege: Der unentdeckte Schlüssel zu einem bezaubernden Lächeln

Tongue Care: The Undiscovered Key to a Charming Smile

Today we are looking at an often neglected but fundamental topic of oral health. In today's blog post you will learn why cleaning the Tongue should be a must-have in your daily care routine ...

Zahnextraktion: Wann, warum und wie?

Tooth extraction: when, why and how?

Tooth extraction, an art that has developed over centuries. But what is really behind it? In this article, we will take you on a journey and show you when, why and how a tooth is pulled. d...

5 Tipps: Ideale Zahnpflege für Kinder

5 Tips: Ideal Dental Care for Children

Children's dental care is not only important for the teeth, but also for your child's general health. To ensure that your child keeps a bright smile, we have put together five essential tips...

Zahnarztangst überwinden: Tipps und Techniken

Overcoming fear of the dentist: tips and techniques

You certainly know the typical nervousness before a visit to the dentist. But what if this nervousness turns into a real fear of the dentist and keeps you from going to the dentist? Let's fi...

Invisalign vs. herkömmliche Zahnspangen

Invisalign vs. traditional braces

You are faced with an important decision: should your new braces be Invisalign or should you opt for traditional braces? A radiant smile can open doors and create real connections. But crook...

Do's und Don'ts bei einem zahnmedizinischen Notfall

Do's and Don'ts in a Dental Emergency

We all know the scenario: It is Saturday evening, peace and quiet should return, but suddenly a piercing toothache to destroy the peace. The question is circling in your mind: Should I reall...

Wie du Heißhunger auf Süßigkeiten erfolgreich bekämpfst: 7 erprobte Strategien

How to successfully fight cravings for sweets: 7 proven strategies

The insatiable desire for something sweet – who doesn’t know it? This urge that makes us reach for the unhealthiest treats. But why does it overwhelm us and how can we deal with it better? I...

5 Fragen an deinen Zahnarzt: Maximiere den Nutzen deines Besuchs!

5 questions to ask your dentist: maximize the benefit of your visit!

Have you ever felt like you were still unsure after a dentist appointment? Let's be honest, sometimes it feels like the time in the dentist's office flies by. But I assure you, with the righ...

Munddusche: Dein Partner für ein gesundes Lächeln und makellose Mundhygiene

Oral Irrigator: Your partner for a healthy smile and flawless oral hygiene

We all know how important it is to have good oral hygiene. But despite brushing our teeth carefully, sometimes some areas in our mouth don't feel really clean. Fortunately, we now have our e...